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Meet Alicia

MNLP, C.M.H , C.H.p ​

Dip Business Coaching, Hypnothin Weight Management Consultant

Life Coaching Therapy

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Personal Alignment
Alicia Benbow

Start Living

Happiness Success Freedom


Personal Alignment

You can benefit straight away from my personal alignment programme which reviews you as a whole person and finds the solutions you need The therapy treatments and motivational coaching strategies

 I blend together are


NLP (Neuro Linguistic Programming)

EMDR (Eye Movement Desensitisation and Reprocessing)

CBT (Cognitive Behavioural Therapy)

I am professionally qualified and experienced to deal with a wide range of personal issues with effective and life-changing results. 




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Linking Mind and Body

'I approached Alicia when my phobia prevented me going on family holidays and getting essential work done on our house. I'd suffered for 25 yrs and thought I had to live with it.  After 3 sessions I was 90% free of fear. I now enjoy holidays and  had half my house rebuilt!' 

'If magic is ‘the power of apparently influencing events by using mysterious or supernatural forces’, then Alicia might truly be described as a magician!  Her relaxed and welcoming manner creates an atmosphere of sanctuary where problems are met with empathy, insight and a genuine desire to help.  Using a variety of subtle techniques, during a session which in the main appears to be little more than a friendly chat, Alicia works her magic so that you leave her feeling unsure about what she has actually done but just knowing that you feel so much better.  After a short course of sessions, the effects were quite marked and their efficacy has lasted.  Having turned to Alicia after a two-year battle with emotional turmoil, knowing what I needed to do but being unable to sustain it, I can now say in all honesty that I feel better than I have done for years.  I still have a long way to go, but Alicia set me off on the right track – and on the odd days when I feel tired and weary and about to fall by the wayside, I just think about the lovely ‘floaty’ feeling I used to have after each session with her, and hear her voice in my head saying, “You can do it!”, and it’s enough to get me going again.  I would recommend Alicia to anyone.'

'Life situations were getting to me. I became short tempered, couldn't sleep and simple tasks were hard work. Life Coaching with Alicia was the best thing I ever did - the changes I made were astounding.' 

Get In Touch

I'd love to hear from you.

Feel free to call for a chat or email any questions.

Mobile: 07876 688497


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